Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Good Day for Liberty

As we near the end of what has been a very bad week for liberty (federal spending up 7%, Ontario announces plans to hike its job-killing minimum wage) a couple of bright spots emerge.

In Ontario, a group of prostitutes challenge a set of laws that make life very dangerous for some of society's most vulnerable. No matter what your views on prostitution I think it's clear here that the laws against cause more problems than the acts they're designed to prevent.

New Brunswick's Liberal government opens up a dialogue on private health care delivery, and federal Conservative Minister of Health Tony Clement gives a vague answer sure to upset those on both sides of the debate.

Both look like great conversation starters for the festivities following Saturday's Windsor Liberty Seminar.

1 comment:

Blackstone said...

Matt, I think it must first be explained to readers why things like spending and price controls are bad for liberty.